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In bundle product -4 -live ed


The data emitter script will dispatch data to an API Gateway endpoint, chosen for its role as a proxy for the Kinessis Data Stream. This, in turn, will relay the data to a Kinessis Data Firehose.

The Kinesis Firehose assumes the initial processing responsibility, faithfully depositing the data into an S3 Bucket. Subsequently, the course proceeds with the implementation of a Kinesis Data Analytics Application. This application will effectuate a metamorphosis of the data, converting it from JSON to CSV, while simultaneously applying “where” conditions and cherry-picking only the most vital information. (For further elucidation, kindly refer to the aforementioned introductory section.)

With Kinesis data analytics, a second round of processing and dynamic analytics becomes possible upon the input data. The Kinesis application then impels the refined data towards a secondary Firehose, ensuring its storage in a conclusive S3 location.

Once the records find their abode in an S3 environment, our client gains the ability to conduct extensive analytics using AWS Athena. This particular tool is well-suited for ad-hoc inquiries, where the volume of data remains modest and possesses a semistructured semblance in formats like JSON or CSV.


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